Massage and boosting the immune system

A headache that just doesn't go away, a feeling of heaviness throughout your shoulders and neck. You feel a constant chill like you are getting the flu. A feeling that you can’t breathe. This is your body trying to tell you to stop . A medical article about Swedish massage concluded that “ 5 weeks of weekly Swedish massage stimulated a sustained pattern of increased circulating phenotypic lymphocyte (white blood cells that defend the body from disease)markers and decreased mitogen-stimulated cytokine production, similar to what was previously reported for a single massage session (Rapaport et al. 2012)”. These effects can last from one day to several weeks depending on how many sessions a person has. So what does this all mean?Your body needs a little assistance to be able to cope with the changes in the weather, your stress levels and just life in general. Going towards fall and winter it is vital to get a boost in your immune system to reduce the...