Every breath counts. When we get colds and flu´s we realize how important it is to take care of our self. We get tons of vitamins, fluids and other products that help to get rid of the illness. But what happens when we get healthy again? Many of us go back to, well normal life if you can call it that . What if your normal life was filled with the same products? Would you stay healthier longer? The exact same thing happens with breathing . When we get a cough we realize how awful it feels in the lungs. We get out of breath, feel weak, but o nce we get healthy again we forget about it quite fast. So many of us breathe only with the top part of our lungs even when we are healthy. YOUR HEALTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE In Pilates training breathing is essential. Inhaling and exhaling. We try to breath all the way down into the sides and back of our body. Using this technique helps us use the whole capacity of our lungs and helps th...