

  Overrun, stressed, exhausted, tired, grumpy, unhappy, unhealthy, breathing problems, unfit, a diet that would need to be put in the bin... So many negative words that describe how a person can feel when they do not have a balance in life. Unfortunately almost every day I meet a person who has one or more of these symptoms, YES symptoms. Feeling stressed or anxious is an illness that takes time to heal. Sometimes weeks sometimes months. Simplicity is key in overall life as well as healing. If you wake up every morning dreading the day ahead there is something not right in your current situation.  Let your mind be calm instead of crowding it with millions of thoughts every second. Did you know an average person has over 50 000 thoughts a day? Someone telling you to stop thinking won't really be as simple as we all think (no pun intended).  This positive emptiness comes from little things like writing your thoughts down or having a cup of tea without using your phone at th...

A 4 day week?

  The possibility of working 4 days a week is an idea that has been launched.  The R, R and R approach. How would it help you as a person?   Unfortunately, quite a few people experience some form of stress in their lifetime, especially when they are employed in a fast pace environment. Headaches and stiffness in the muscles cause discomfort, sometimes to the point of excruciating pain. You try to drink plenty of water and move around during your day, but nothing seems to help.  How would a 4 day week reduce this? #TIME is the key.  Time to rest and Recover. Another key point for minimizing the effects of a working week is  Reflection. Taking that step back and thinking and/or writing down what was great about the past week, what did not go as well as it could. This clears the mind and it's then ready for the next phase. Regroup: How will the following week begin? Will you start nice and early with that lovely cup of coffee? What is good to get done. N...

Dancers and Injury

  ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 How many dancers get reoccurring injuries or even have to stop their career or hobby in dance early because of it? Do you identify yourself in this statement? How many times a week do you go through a recovery routine to keep you healthy and pain-free? Do you have a burning sensation in your heels after every class you do? There are some easy treatments that can be used when you are having a day off from training. Tennis balls are a brilliant tool to target the irritation of discomfort in the feet. Getting regular massages to ease out the fascia lines and muscles and help the body to realign after a possible injury. A postural check can be done to see how much you weigh bear on one side of the body. Anterior/posterior tilts of the pelvis can cause extensive amounts of pain and muscle tightness in the back or hamstrings as an example. As a dance instructor, I see and have experienced injuries, s...

Massage and boosting the immune system

  A headache that just doesn't go away, a feeling of heaviness throughout your shoulders and neck. You feel a constant chill like you are getting the flu.  A feeling that you can’t breathe.  This is your body trying to tell you to stop .  A medical article about Swedish massage concluded that “ 5 weeks of weekly Swedish massage stimulated a sustained pattern of increased circulating phenotypic lymphocyte (white blood cells that defend the body from disease)markers and decreased mitogen-stimulated cytokine production, similar to what was previously reported for a single massage session (Rapaport et al. 2012)”.  These effects can last from one day to several weeks depending on how many sessions a person has.  So what does this all mean?Your body needs a little assistance to be able to cope with the changes in the weather, your stress levels and just life in general. Going towards fall and winter it is vital to get a boost in your immune system to reduce the...

What is Kinesiology tape

 Kinesiology taping is a fascinating way to reduce swelling, decrease pain and help the joints to stay mobile.    It is a  latex-free hypoallergenic cotton fibre tape  that stretches, thus it helps to lift the skin and help blood flow and decrease pressure in the taped area. A Dr Kenzo Kase researched the possibility of having a tape that would help heal muscle tissue. Conventional sports tape was beneficial for strapping the joint and or muscle as well as decreasing movement for the area to heal, but it also reduced range of motion, which could lead to the joint or muscle not healing properly.  After studying and redesigning the tape Dr Kase invented the Kinesio Tex   ®  Tape.  Since then variations of this tape have been designed with the same effects as the original. The benefits of Kinesiology tape (Kinesio tape is a trademark) are: ➡ Breathability ➡  Material stretches ➡  Can be used multiple days in a row and is waterproof ➡...

Selkärangan rakenne

Selkärankamme koostuu yhteensä 26 nikamasta. Jos lasketaan mukaan ristiluun nikamat niin yhteissumma on 31 nikamaa. C= cervical T= thoracic L= lumbar C1-C7 kaularanka, joka muodostuu  7:stä nikamasta. T1-T12 rintaranka, joka mudostuu 12:sta nikamasta. L1-L5 lanneranka, jonka muodostuu 5:stä nikamasta. S1-S5 yhteensulautunut, ristiluu. Co1-co4 häntäluu, joka muodostuu 4:stä nikamasta. Yksi hyvä muistisääntö on ajatella nikamat näin: c7 = klo 7 aamiainen t12= lounas l5= illallinen tai  (afternoon tea) ja loput muistaakin sitten helposti.  Selkärangassa on 2 niin sanottua ensisijaista kaarevuutta : Thoracic +sacral ja kaksi toissijaista kaarevuutta: cervical +lumbar. Sikiöllä on vain thoracic ja sacral alueen kaarevuudet ja kun ihmislapsi kasvaa selkärankaan muodostuu cervical (kaularangan) kaarevuus  ja lumbar (lannerangan) kaarevuus. Selkärangan päätehtäviin kuuluu liike ja  rakenteellinen tuki. Selkänikamat myös suojaavat selkäydintä joka kulkee selkäydinkanavas...

Pallealihaksen vähäinen käyttö ja sen heikkous

Mielenkiintoinen aihe, josta mielelläni kerron teille. Joseph Pilates tutki pallealihaksen toimintaa ja hyödynsi tietoa Pilatestunneillaan. Itse kutsun pallealihasta joskus nimellä laskuvarjo. Sisäänhengittäessä pallea laskee menee kasaan ja uloshengittäessä pallea nousee muodostaen kupolimaisen mallin. Pallealihaksen kireyttä voi testata selinmakuulla. Voit asettaa toisen kätesi rintakehän päälle ja toisen vatsan päälle. Hengitä koko keuhkot täyttäviä hengityksiä ja annan vatsan kohoilla ja laskea. Voit yllättyä miten pinnallista hengityksesi voikaan olla. Tähän vaikuttavat monet seikat yleisimpänä valitettava asia STRESSI. Jos et ole varma toimiiko pallealihaksesi kunnolla kysy itseltäsi näitä asioita: Ovatko kaulanlihakseni jumissa? Tuntuuko etten saa tarpeeksi happea normaalitilassa? Olenko kovin rauhaton? Nousevatko hartiani, kun hengitän sisään? Koettaessani hengittää syvään kylkeni eivät ihmeemmin laajene? Olenko jatkuvasti väsynyt? Haukottelenko jatkuvasti vaikka olisin raitti...